Eight of the Best Smartphone Apps for Managing Diabetes

Monitor, Connect, and Educate: Apps for Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes can be a trying and difficult disease to manage. With type 2 diabetes, the body has trouble managing blood sugar levels as well as the production of insulin. People with Type 2 need to carefully monitor their blood sugar by checking it at various times throughout the day.

While standard testing kits are easily accessible at retail locations, or by special order, there are also some great apps that can assist with monitoring.


This highly rated app helps you manage your diabetes by helping you to manage your diet. Calories and weight management are essential, but so is knowing the actual nutritional value of your food.

Fooducate helps you discern what’s actually in the food you’re consuming, such as what foods are high in sugar, fat, and other unnecessary ingredients. Just scan the barcode on a product, and this app will give you all of the information you need.


Glooko helps you track your glucose readings, and then establish patterns for your review. It takes the readings directly from your meter, then compiles the data in graph form as well - allowing for quick references and easy trend-tracking. It can help during doctor visits as well since you can quickly share your readings with your prescribing physician.

Diabetic Audio Recipes

Preparing diabetic-friendly meals can be a challenge at times. You have to pay careful attention to a variety of variables. This app is a substantial library of recipes that not only offer tasty options to choose from, but the application also breaks down the recipes into vital information (ingredients, nutritional value, etc.).

The recipes are also presented in audio, making it simple to follow them without referring to your smartphone screen.

Glucose Buddy

Another glucose monitoring app, Glucose buddy helps you record your glucose levels for ongoing review. It offers trend tracking and sharing capabilities for your results.

One unique aspect of this app is the reminder function. Not only does it store data for you, but it sends you notifications to remind you when it’s time you check your glucose.

You can also input other vital data, like insulin dosages and the number of carbohydrates you’re consuming.

Diabetes App

If you’re curious about ingredient information for food that you’ve had in the past, Diabetes App provides you with all the information you're looking for, and quickly.

Unlike applications that require you to input data from a barcode or package label, you can instead search within the application. Diabetes App is a great alternative to barcode scanners when you're unable to access barcodes, as when eating out.

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Additional resources

While the previously mentioned applications each offer their own benefits, the following applications are also known for effectively managing diabetes.

  • Diabetes Pilot: Tells you the number of insulin units you’ll need to reach your targeted blood glucose levels based on what you eat throughout the day.
  • iDiabetes: A simple application that records only glucose values. You can also manually log all medications you’re taking for the condition.


People all over the world have begun using these smartphone apps to help manage their type 2 diabetes. Each application works in conjunction to offer the best monitoring device on the market - right from your smartphone.

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