Exercise Tips for the Non-Athletic Diabetic

Exercise Tips for Diabetics

Does the thought of jogging the neighborhood make you nauseous? The mere idea of sit-ups make you gag? Would you rather go to Planet Mars than Planet Fitness? You're not alone.

To many people, the thought of getting into an exercise program is a bit frightening. But, daily exercise is one of the best ways to lower your blood sugar and a host of other benefits.

Two and a half hours a week of moderate-intensity exercise is what is recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Ideally, this means 30 minutes, five times per week.

Getting active doesn't have to be an immediate jump in a gym membership and personal trainer. Making small improvements and taking baby steps will not only allow your body and mind to adjust but will create a better mindset for sticking to it.

Remember though; the first step is a discussion with your doctor on any specific do’s and don'ts they may have for you. Let's get to it!

Baby Steps – How Many Are You Taking?

Step trackers or fitness trackers are a great first step for getting into exercise.

Your tracker can help you see how many steps you get in on an average day, and may help you discover new ways to get more steps in on a daily basis.

I suggest setting a goal of getting a couple thousand more steps in the first two weeks. It will be a simple and easy start.

Some ways to get those steps might be:

  • Walking your dog an extra time each day
  • Parking further from your office or the shopping entrance
  • Taking a short walk after dinner
  • Stand up at your desk while on the phone and march in place

You can fit extra steps in almost anywhere!

After you get those extra steps in, raise the goal again and work towards the recommended 10,000 steps per day.

Sports? Say, What?

Yes, I get that you may not be a Wayne Gretzky or Serena Williams, but there is probably something you might enjoy doing.

You could be an assistant coach for your son’s baseball team, or you could help out at some of your daughter’s volleyball practices.

Like to dance? Check out an aerobics class. The first one is usually free.

Biking has become very popular these days. You can pick up an inexpensive bike at a garage sale or local Walmart and hit a nearby bike trail. You might see something interesting on your new adventure.

Family Activities Are Good for Everyone

Take a walk after dinner and discuss your day or how about taking your dogs out to the dog park and chasing them around?

Maybe you could all get a good game of frisbee or pickle going in the backyard.

Many radio stations right now are advertising #WorkOutWednesday as a thing. One day a week they are suggesting that families get together and do something physical.

Not only does this help with your physical activity but role modeling to your children will help them to become more physically active as they become adults.

Dare I Say It? Visit a Gym

Once your body has become more acclimated to a little physical activity, check out the gym.

If your family has been getting fit with you, consider the local YMCA. Not only will you have the chance to exercise but there are many programs your whole family can take advantage of.

Think of all the fun that you and your kids could have to play Marco Polo at the YMCA pool. If the family Y isn't your speed, see if there's a Planet Fitness nearby. It's only about $10 per month and, let’s face it; you would spend that on one lunch at McDonald’s.

Don't be afraid.

They are very good at working with people who have never exercised before. You can set up a time for them to help you come up with a simple plan that you will enjoy.

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Reward Yourself!

By taking the necessary steps to becoming more physically active, it's a good idea to reward yourself along the way.

When you go up on your daily steps, get yourself a new workout shirt or did you make that appointment at the gym? Pick up a new water bottle to take along.

The little things can go a long way to making you feel good about your new routine.

The Physical Rewards

In addition to some fun gifts for yourself, you will enjoy the benefits both physically and psychologically.

Not only will you enjoy increased energy, but you will sleep better at night, burn more calories during the day and feel less stressed. Not to mention that exercise helps prevent a whole host of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and more.

Remember, check with your doctor first. Then follow our suggestions for working more activity into your life. We promise you'll be glad you did. Let us know how it goes!

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